Tag Archives: juicing

Productive Weekend

Happy Monday everyone!

How was your weekend?!

Mine was full of a mix of fun and work, so all-in-all feels productive. 🙂

On Friday afternoon, my husband and I went for a movie date.

I watched this movie with no idea about why the title is “Olympus Has Fallen”, then in the later ten or fifteen minutes of movie it was revealed that “Olympus” is the code name of the ‘White House’.

I don’t want to spoil the movie for you. If you are into conspiracy and action movies, go see this movie. The whole plot is simple and no unnecessary twist that required me to think too much. LOL! 🙂 Sometimes, this is the kind of movie I want to see after a long day.

After the movie, we stopped by Runner’s Plus to pick up few things. Time for us to stocked up on some power gels for our long runs.

I love Gu Espresso Love! 🙂

My husband and I woke up early on Saturday and we headed out to the trail for a run.

Photo Apr 27, 10 51 00 AM

Finally, a gorgeous Spring day for my morning run! That day actually felt more like spring in Ohio. The sun was shining, blue skies and the temperature in the 50s F – so wonderful! Love it! ❤

Photo Apr 27, 12 47 40 PM

After our run, we ran a few errands – including a stop at grocery store. Time for us too to stock up on local produce.

Photo Apr 28, 11 42 00 AM

my husband on veggie heaven

So, yeah, we spend the majority of our grocery shopping time in the produce section now. Ever since we started juicing, our fridge became loaded with healthy fruits and veggies. We’ve never had vegetables that much before. We’ve been doing this for a while now and it has become part of our life. We buy organic whenever possible. Yes, it’s more expensive. But it’s for our health! 🙂

Sunday was relatively productive. Usually our Sundays is for lounging around, sleeping in, relaxing, lots of catching up on my TV shows, and not putting real pants on. Today however, was a big change.

* My husband installed this steel cabinet in our garage and we had a major garage decluttering session.
* Our grass was in dire need of attention so my husband mowed our lawn.
* I pulled out some crazy weeds in our front yard. Ugh! I hate weeds!
* I got some more cleaning done around the house and caught up on ALL laundry.

And finally after dinner, some relaxing time, we spent the remainder of the day watching a few episodes of “Bones”.

I think I had the most productive weekend I’ve had in … well … forever!

Do you like productive or relaxing weekends?

Getting Into Juicing

I was all quiet the past few days thinking about tragedy in Boston. The city became close to my heart after my visit and the terror attack hasn’t left my mind since that horrible day.

Thank you for your comments on my previous blog post a few days ago. I appreciate all your kind words 🙂

I was glued to the live streaming video of CBS News Boston the whole day yesterday (literally) as they caught the marathon bomber. It was scary and intense! I felt so relieved when they finally captured him.

I’m confident to say that Boston will be okay. The nation will be okay. The running community will be okay. It will be hard for everyone to move on. It will take some time to heal but as what the President said, we will come back stronger and we will continue to run more marathons again! 🙂

Last night, a nice, peaceful, sunset run was just what my mind and body needed. I did a lot of reflection during this run in honor of those affected in the tragedy.

As you can tell from my previous post my emotions are a bit all over the place but, I’m going to try to resume normal posting as best I can.

So, this week, my husband and I have just started juicing. 🙂

We’ve watched some documentaries on healthier eating and have decided to start juicing. My husband really wanted to do this especially since all he’s done for the past 2 weeks was eat, eat, and eat. We ate delicious food all the time while in Houston and Boston. He was complaining that his belly was just getting bigger and bigger so he decided to make a dietary change.

We want to benefit from getting proper nutrients that our Filipino/American diet just doesn’t provide. We hope to lose weight from it as well. I like getting nutrients from the juice of fruits and vegetables I would never ordinarily be eating.



So far, the machine we got for juicing is very easy to use and it does a good job.

My husband was the one who introduced the idea to me, so I asked him to make a video of it getting started to share with you guys.

Verdict: After four days of juicing I felt healthier and I noticed my skin is glowing and my husband already lost 5 pounds. I was more than a little surprised how much I enjoyed it. I think juicing is an excellent way to get more fresh vegetables in your diet. I wouldn’t be able to eat that much amount of vegetables and fruits in one sitting on a regular basis. I personally think it’s yummier than any juice you can buy at the store.

Our fridge is busting with veggies and fruits!

Juicing will now become a staple in our diet. It’s way better than buying packaged juice from the grocery store. I prefer my juice to be as fresh as possible to ensure the highest nutrient content. I like that I can control what I add to my juice.

Anyways, have you heard of juicing? Have you ever tried a juicer?  I would love to hear your experience with it.  Is juicing something you would consider? Do you know someone who is doing it?  I really value your input!!!

We are not compensated nor paid to do this. We bought our juicer with our own money. All thoughts and opinions expressed above are my own. 
Juicing is NOT for everyone. Do your own research or consult a certified nutrition expert and ask if it’s right for you.

Xoxo, JOTR

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Instagram: @ja_ontherun