Ja on the RUN is…


If you follow me on my Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter account, you probably know by now. So, yes, I am pregnant. :)


I am currently in my second trimester, 15 weeks to be exact.

My husband and I learned that I was pregnant last October 2013. It was the day before my birthday. I did a home pregnancy test after a few days of missing my period. My monthly period is super regular and right on the dot, as well as my Ovulation Calendar app which had been always correct with it’s predictions. My husband and I had been trying for quite some time to get pregnant and that app was really a great help. I realized then that it isn’t that easy to make a baby. It really is in His own perfect time. 🙂 Anyway, test came out positive! I was shocked and couldn’t believe it. I mean isn’t it is always a wonder, a puzzle, a mystery, how we can carry miracles inside our bodies!? What a privilege! That was definitely an awesome birthday surprise for me. As much as we wanted to share the news to the world right away, we decided to delay our announcement to some loved ones and family members because we wanted to surprise my side of family about my pregnancy on Christmas Eve.

It was at my second appointment, 11 weeks, when we finally heard the baby’s heartbeat and had my first ultrasound done. We had the photo of the sonogram scanned and printed out copies for each of my family members. We used them as name cards for our gifts. We wrote at the back of the photo – “To My Grandmother” for my aunts, “To My Grandfather” for my uncles, “Uncles”, and “Aunts” for my cousins and, so on. When we gave out our gifts, they were all looking around confused. One of my aunts said, ‘’I am not a grandma yet!” Then she flipped the card and saw the ultrasound pic. They all finally figured out! They were all blown away! 🙂 It was hard trying to hold and keep it a secret but it was all worth it. My family was soooo ecstatic when they learned the good news. I’m the eldest among my siblings and my parents are so excited to meet their first ever grandchild. 🙂

ja on the run

During my first trimester, I didn’t have much except for fatigue, extra sensitivity around the breast area, and increased appetite. 🙂 I craved (still craving) for sour foods like pineapple, pickles and green mangoes. Mmmmm.

ja on the run

I had nausea here and there too but Altoids Ginger mints helped me a lot to alleviate that symptom.


I keep this planner handy in case I need to jot down notes and memories. 🙂

ja on the run

I just also became a For Two Fitness ambassador which I am soo excited to share! I ordered cute workout tops and bottoms from their website which I haven’t tried wearing because I am not showing enough bump yet. 🙂 I can’t wait to wear and workout in them soon! Yes! Pictures will be posted of course! 🙂 I am actually so thankful that I got pregnant in this modern age that stuff like these are already available for active pregnant women. It makes pregnancy soooo much easier and enjoyable. 🙂

Thank you For Two Fitness® Maternity Apparel!

As for the running department: I know medically that it’s ok to continue to exercise during pregnancy. And I assured that from my OB after reviewing my lab results and tests. I had a “go” signal from my OB that I can still run and continue doing the workouts I have been doing for the whole course of my pregnancy. YAY! So, it’s ok as long as I was comfortable and well-hydrated. I just had to pass on snowboarding this season (sigh). Activities with risks of falling are to be avoided.

Ja on the RUN

L-R: 7 weeks pregnant, 8 weeks, 9 weeks, 9 weeks. 🙂

There was a point during my first trimester that I got a little frustrated of myself. My energy has dropped down to half from what it used to be since I got pregnant (though people say this usually only lasts until the first trimester is over). My running pace was slower and I get tired easily. I’ve also already put on some fat where they’ve never been before, and it isn’t very comforting when you see them ruin what used to be such no-brainer outfits for me. I had to wear looser workout tops to be comfortable. I honestly miss my old multi-tasking self.  But then, I had to remind myself that I’m pregnant and that everything I am going through is ok. Pregnancy is a blessing and I embrace these changes for I know that I am literally at the conception of a brand new and super promising chapter of my life.

I have a long way to go! Imagine this to be a total of 40 weeks. I am already over my first trimester. Time flies by so fast. As of now, I am doing really great, just exceptionally hungry at odd hours at night. I go to bed really early these days and sleep like a grandma. Haha! I noticed too that my energy has gone up a bit, though when I went to cardio kickboxing class last night I had some limitations doing some of the workouts. It’s ok. I’m ok. I welcome those changes joyfully! It’s all for a good reason. 🙂

I am also happy that our baby made him/herself way out during the healthiest time of my life. One of the reasons I started my health journey was to prepare my body for pregnancy and motherhood. I believe that taking care of myself will make me a better mom and wife to my family. 🙂

I pray for my safe and easy pregnancy, as well as safe, easy, normal delivery. Our estimated due date is June 29, 2014! 🙂

So, since your blogger is pregnant and especially now that I have gained my energy back, do expect months worth of pregnancy-related posts. 🙂

ja on the run

God bless you all! 🙂

– Ja

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73 thoughts on “Ja on the RUN is…

  1. anyonecanrun

    Congratulations! That is such big news and life changing. You will be so glad that you’ve kept up your fitness. It will make a huge difference throughout your pregnancy and once the baby is here.

  2. LilMysNinja

    Awww….yay! All sorts of exciting news!!! Congratulations on well….EVERYTHING! 🙂 Your pregnancy, your ambassador acceptance, the blog additions….
    Side note: I LOVE your blog banner!

  3. Mary @ Fit and Fed

    Congratulations! Sounds like you’ve done quite well so far, the morning sickness didn’t hit you too badly. Hope your energy level continues to increase as you get further into your second trimester.

  4. Melanie

    Congratulations! I recently found out I’m pregnant too and I have been so sick! I need to try those ginger mints. They look good. I’ve also been feeling so tired and it’s so frustrating because I’m used to accomplishing so much more. I can definitely relate to what you said. I look forward to being done with this first trimester. I wish you all the best!

    1. Ja @Ja on the RUN Post author

      Thank you Melanie! And congratulations!!! 🙂 I’m happy to know a lot of us here are pregnant in the blogging community. 🙂
      Those ginger mints worked wonders for me. 🙂
      Wishing you all the best and a happy pregnancy! 🙂

  5. Carla Bruns (@RealInto)

    Congrats and more congrats! It is wonderful that you are so healthy and that you’re able to bring a baby into this world in a healthy, safe place. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your expanded family! 🙂

  6. Karen :0)

    This post made me smile so many times! Congratulations!! I love the way you told your family…that’s too cute! I can’t wait to read all of the pregnancy related posts, bring it on! :0)

  7. Beth P

    Congrats! I am due June 21 so we are about a week apart. 🙂 I also am a For Two Fitness ambassador and just received my first shirt. I have a small bump (this is my second so I think it made me show sooner than with my first). I will enjoy watching you grow as I grow!

  8. Zaneta

    Ja, That’s AWESOME!! I’m so excited for you guys!!! What an awesome way to announce it to your family!! LOVE it!!! I can’t wait to read posts about your pregnancy journey! What an amazing time in your life!! 🙂 **HUGS**

  9. kristenk

    Congrats! So so so exciting! I always thought it must be so hard to hide pregnancy until you’re out of the first trimester! You told your family in such a cute way!

  10. Taylor

    Ahh this is such WONDERFUL news! Congratulations!!! I look forward to reading your updates! :-). I’m still far away from this stage (grad student + wedding prep!) but love reading about women like you who are staying healthy and fit throughout the pregnancy! You are AMAZING! Love and best wishes for a healthy, happy pregnancy!

    Love, your fellow SPA!

    1. Ja @Ja on the RUN Post author

      Hi Taylor! 🙂
      Enjoy your wedding preps. You will definitely miss it when the wedding is over! 🙂 Goodluck with your studies! Thanks so much for the wishes! Really appreciate it! 🙂

  11. Kim @ Healthy Nest

    Congratulations!! What a fun way to announce the news!! I hope you enjoy the rest of your pregnancy! 🙂

  12. Laszlo

    Wow! Congratulations! I am sure you family was very happy also for the special surprise on Christmas Eve. I hope you will feel well to continue working out through the pregnancy. All the best! 🙂

  13. Amy Lauren

    Congratulations! I’m glad you’re still running and doing some workouts, you are right that most pregnant ladies still can, just sometimes you have to modify. I’ve had a few friends who’ve run until pretty far along into their pregnancies, month 7-8 or so. Granted they were doing more walking than running by then, but at least they were still going, that’s what matters.

    I love how you told your family on Christmas with the sonogram pictures. I bet that really made their day!


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