Monthly Archives: January 2013

My Holiday Recap (Part 2)

….continuation of My Holiday Recap (Part 1)

Dec 23 (Sunday): Rest day & relax day. Since my family hit the slopes right away the very next day after they arrived, they haven’t really had enough rest.  So we decided to take it easy on this day and reserve our energy for the upcoming days.

My husband and I just showed our family how our typical Sunday is like. After hearing mass in the morning, we usually go to our favorite Vietnamese hole-in-the-wall restaurant for lunch.  I’m glad my family enjoyed it. It is good comfort food.


We went home after and did a lot of catching up, bonding time and dancing (LOL!). Yes, dancing! 🙂


I was telling my husband before how much I want to have that game in Xbox Kinect – Just Dance. It’s a perfect workout for me when I just feel like staying at home. I told him too that it’s going to be fun especially when my family gets here. That kinda gave my husband an idea what to give me for Christmas.  So, one day, we both went to Best Buy and bought my gift. I got his gift too – LifeProof case. It’s a waterproof case for his Iphone since he uses his phone to take videos when we go snowboarding.

I am a happy dancing bug! LOL! 🙂

Photo Dec 09, 10 33 05 AM

Photo Dec 09, 10 31 44 AM

We kinda made it easy for us this time on what present to give for each other. My husband had been bugging me for days before what I want for Christmas and same thing for me with him. And we would just say “nothing”. We are one of those couples that don’t really expect too much when it comes to gifts for each other. It’s not like back in college days that I have to save my allowance just to give my boyfriend expensive gifts on special occasions. We’ve been together for too long already to impress each other with gifts. I mean, we share same bank accounts and we manage each other’s money. It’s not like we can hide our expenses from each other. I think it’s different now that we’re married. I’d appreciate something other than material things like a surprise breakfast in bed or just a simple romantic dinner at home. It’s the simple things, really, that makes it more special.

…but …the Xbox gift …that was pretty cool! It’s what I want and I love it! 🙂 Thanks honey!

Photo Jan 16, 11 49 12 AM

Dec 24 (Monday):  We all woke up so fresh and well – rested. One thing I associate with Christmas is the feeling of joy. We started playing Christmas music in the background. It’s the Christmas music that gets everyone in the happy mood of the season.

We drove up to Indiana to celebrate Christmas Eve with my aunt’s family over there. So, as we were preparing our stuff, suddenly, I saw from our window a Fedex truck just parked right infront of our garage. The guy went down and carried with him this bright pink package. I knew right away it’s a package from Pv.Body!!! Yay! I ran to open our door and happily greeted the Fedex guy a Merry Christmas as I extend my hand to take the package from him! I was so excited! Nice one Pv.Body. Perfect timing to be receiving my package that day.

Photo Dec 24, 10 12 57 AM

The color makes you really excited to open it. Of course, I didn’t wait ’til Christmas. I can’t torture myself like that with suspense. I was in a happy mood, remember! 🙂

Photo Dec 24, 10 14 06 AM

For top, they sent me this uber cute razor back blank tank from Collosseum. It’s the same brand as the one I got from my last package. Check it here.

Photo Dec 24, 10 32 32 AM

For bottoms, they sent me this fitted pants from Cozy Orange (never heard of this brand before).

Photo Dec 24, 10 33 17 AM

I love both pieces. I wore the leggings the whole day and I must say, it is definitely something I could use for my outdoor running. I think it will be great for yoga and just for lounging around too. I love the fit and feels super soft. I also like the secret inside pocket for credit cards or keys.

Photo Dec 24, 10 38 42 AM

It has a wide waist band again which I love! Say no to muffin top!

I also love that little pink color that’s peeking out. Isn’t that cute?! 🙂

Photo Dec 24, 10 39 16 AM

I love the top’s print details. It’s so soft and stretchy. I can’t say much about it because the moment my mom noticed what I was doing, she fell in love with my top. I already felt she wanted to have it. Good thing we were in the spirit of Christmas so I had to give it to her. LOL! It is perfect for the hot and humid weather in the Philippines. She was so happy to take it. I just asked her to take a picture of herself when she wears it to workout in the Philippines. I will post it on my blog.

*Hint *hint to Pv.Body. Your products are going global. Maybe you guys should start expanding your service internationally – to Asia maybe, like Philippines. 🙂

Thanks Pv.Body. Overall I am satisfied …again! 🙂

As a Pv.Body Ambassador, I can give my readers, followers, friends, family, all of you guys a 20% off when you sign up through my link


They actually have a fun new promotion for this month!  They’re offering each one who signs up this month access to our 30 Day Challenge to kick start their resolutions!  It’s also available to all current members! The Pv.body 30 day challenge provides you with your own personal dietitian and trainer to help you meet your fitness and health goals.  Everyday, you will be given a new challenge that they can share with friends!  Challenges include workouts, recipes, meal plans, group activities and more.

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Document your progress through Tweets, Insta’s or Pins with the hashtag #pv30daychallenge.

Here are the steps:

1. Sign up here through my link and receive 20% off:

2. Take the pv.body 30 Day Challenge here to kick start your New Year resolutions and receive tons of fun prizes:

(IMPORTANT: Please note that you have to sign up through my link above first before taking the challenge link to receive the 20% off).

That’s it for now, I have more things to say. Stay tuned for more of my Holiday Recaps! 🙂

My Holiday Recap (Part 1)

Hellllooooo out there!!!

My apologies if my blogging is a bit spastic the past weeks. It was a busy (and fun) holiday for my husband and me.  I’ve barely had time to check my email and Facebook. This is the first chance I’ve had to sit down and relax and man, it feels amazing!

First things first, I hope that your Christmas and New Years were filled with happiness and blessings.

I feel very blessed this year to have had such a great Christmas and New Year spent with family, friends and (c/o of my husband’s dad, Thank you Papa for cooking!). It went by way too fast, as always, but was memorable and really, really fun!

So, what happened to me? 🙂

After a little blogging hiatus here’s a quick run down of how my family and I spent the holidays! I have to divide it in parts or this post would be too long.

I knew that it was going to be hectic once my family gets here so I had to post a schedule of our itineraries on our fridge so that everyone could just refer to this and be prepared of our everyday planned activities.

Photo Jan 08, 5 40 15 PM

Dec 21 (Friday): Arrival of my family (my dad, mom, sister and brother) from the Philippines!!! 🙂

At the Detroit Airport, we received a call from my mom that they missed their connecting flight to Ohio (what?!). It was hectic at the airport and it took a while for them to transfer and check-in their luggage for their connecting flight. They were able to fix their flight but due to high volume of passengers (holiday rush!), they had to fly to Ohio at separate times. It’s all good as long as they all arrive safe and sound.

First to arrive were my dad and my brother, then few hours later, my mom and sister. 🙂




Reunited with my siblings!


at the airport parking lot

It really feels so good to be reunited with loved ones. I knew from that day on that it’s going to be a happy Christmas for us! 🙂


Dec 22 (Saturday): We hit the slopes the next day at Perfect North Slopes. Yup, already! No day should be wasted, right?!. 🙂

We don’t get snow in the Philippines and one of the many things my siblings were looking forward to for their Christmas vacation here in the US was to learn how to snowboard!


My husband and I became snowboarding instructors for a day. My husband and I divided the task by teaching them separately. I was in charged of my sister while him with my brother. That way we can focus on each of them. Once they learned the basics, we can all go together and teach them more other stuff as we go through the day.




I have to say, my sister and brother learned it pretty fast.  Compared to me when I was learning it, I was struggling. LOL! I am so proud of them for being quick learners.  I am very proud too of myself and my husband for doing a good job teaching them. 🙂

You guys have to see how much they have improved the second time we went snowboarding. I will have to share that on my next post.
It was a fun day for all of us! It was great first two days with my family!
More to come! I promise! Stay tuned!

2012 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 6,000 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 10 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.