Daily Archives: April 2, 2013

New Blog Name…Revealed!

Hello everyone! Today is a big day for me.

After days of renovating my blog and being MIA from the blogging world, it’s finally about time to share my new blog name!

Thank you all for waiting so patiently πŸ™‚

So without further adieu… welcome to my new blog name: Ja on the RUN. πŸ™‚

What do you think?

I know it’s not earth-shattering, not super cute or clever…

But it’s β€œme” …literally! This fits more of my personality than the previous one. This is the look, feel, and style I want to portray as I move forward with my blog.

I can finally breathe!!! Woosah! πŸ™‚

I wrote a blog post explaining the reasons for the change here.

So what else is new?!

Domain. New domain is http://ja-ontherun.com. Although everything should redirect just fine for you, you can still update it on your reader if you are the O.C. type like me, just to make sure. πŸ™‚

New e-mail. ja_ontherun@yahoo.com

Layout & Header. Thanks to my ever supportive and kind hubby for creating my new header! I love it! Feel free to look around and explore the new site. πŸ™‚

Facebook Page – For me to easily connect with people who I share common interests with. So, if we share same passion for running, healthy food choices and wants to get motivated to live an active lifestyle, you can find a friend in me. πŸ™‚ Here’s the link to my FB page. Send me yours so I can like you back.

Instagram – Follow me: @ja_ontherun.

Those are all the changes and I greatly appreciate your support.

Everything seems to be working well, taking things one tech glitch at a time.

Thank you everyone for sticking with me. Have a great day! πŸ™‚

How did you choose your blog name? Do you like the name of your blog? Ever thought of changing it?