Thanksgiving Weekend 2013!

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Well, hello winter! Nice to see you so soon! I know that technically the first day of winter isn’t until December 21st, but I think that it hit us here in Cincinnati a little early this year. We got a little bit of snow on Thanksgiving morning.

Ja on the RUN

Happy White Thanksgiving! 🙂

Phew! The four-day Thanksgiving weekend flew by! But I guess that happens when you have tons of fun, yummy food, and awesome people around you. It was absolutely fabulous! I got so much things done and had a blast with my family!

On Thursday, we drove up to Indiana to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with my aunt’s family. 🙂 My uncle started cooking the turkey early that morning so it was done by afternoon. We started early with our Thanksgiving meal that day.

Here are some of our mandatory holiday photos:



We were so stuffed that we decided to go to one of the nearby trails where my aunt and uncle go for their runs. We took a nice walk to help ease us through the food coma. 🙂

It was a nice Thanksgiving walk after a hearty and heavy meal.



When we got back to the house, I had more room for dessert! 🙂

Ja on the RUN

MMMmmm… yum pumpkin pie! 🙂

I’m a sucker for anything pumpkin so this is what we attacked the next day for breakfast! 🙂 It’s yummy and fluffy. I am a fan!


For lunch, my aunt made a casserole from the leftover turkey, mashed potato, stuffing and gravy. It was yummy that my camera wasn’t able to make it until it was almost gone.


After all the cooking and eating, who would want to go shopping? We decided to skip Black Friday madness that day and went to Indianapolis Fountain Square to go duckpin bowling. 🙂


It’s so cool that the facility has been a continuously operating bowling alley since 1920s (Woah!)!

It was my first time ever playing duckpin bowling and I found out that I suck! LOL! But it was fun and we had a great time! I never had that much fun losing in my life! Haha. For me, duckpin bowling is MUCH harder than regular bowling, but I think the novelty of it adds to the experience. I will definitely do it again. 🙂

After losing at the duckpin bowling, we headed downtown to watch the Circle of Lights. It’s a tradition for the entire city of Indianapolis where they light up and turn their giant monument into a huge Christmas tree. There were live shows and entertainment before the actual lighting of the monument. It was a pretty cool experience. It put me in the Christmas season mood. 🙂



Saturday was pretty much a relaxed day and still with more eating! 🙂 My aunt and I attended yoga class in the morning to counter-balance the over eating…

… and, so we can have this for dinner! We had yummy grilled lobster, grilled steak and twice-baked potato fries! 🙂 YUM!


We left Indiana around 1pm on Sunday and headed back to Ohio.

We made it home easily, unpacked, and got to putting up our tree since there were only 24 days left before Christmas!

Ja on the RUN

I love ornaments! I especially love ornaments that represent a special trip or season of life.

Here are some ornaments we’ve accumulated from our trips and happenings of our lives. 🙂

Ja on the RUN

Our first Christmas together as husband and wife. 🙂

Ja on the RUN

Hubby and I love snowboarding! 🙂

Ja on the RUN

For our love of coffee. 🙂

Ja on the RUN

Fresh seafood! YUM!

Ja on the RUN

Happiest place on earth! 🙂

Ja on the RUN

Memorable city. Chicago Half Marathon, where my husband and I PR’d.

The weather was stunning and the weekend was filled with fun. I’m blessed with such wonderful husband and great family and I’m thankful for every single one of them.

And, oh my gosh, it’s DECEMBER! I’m so thrilled that it is December. It is one of my favorite months and I can’t wait to continue decorating our house more! We are just THAT much closer to Christmas now! 🙂

How was your Thanksgiving weekend?




27 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Weekend 2013!

  1. Abby

    Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving break! My family usually does a post- dinner walk as well! This year, I stayed in NYC and it was super low-key.

  2. Shawn @ Fruity 'N' Nutty

    Wow, a snowy Thanksgiving! We never get any here snow here, ever. 😦 You’re family is really lovely and the trail you took a walk on looks really nice. Absolutely love your Christmas tree, the decorations are awesome and I love December too! 🙂 Can’t believe Christmas is almost here, and I have yet to put up our Christmas tree. 😛

  3. Melanie

    Your Thanksgiving weekend sounded like so much fun! I love that you went for a walk after dinner too….and it looked like a beautiful place to go for a walk! I love that leftover casserole your aunt made too….genius! We used to love to go duckpin bowling when we lived in New England, but we don’t have it here in Utah. I definitely think it’s a lot harder than regular bowling too! Oh, and I LOVE all of your fun Christmas ornaments. 😉

  4. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    YOU CLEARLY had a phenomenal Thanksgiving weekend!! I wish I were invited! I could have used some bowling and lobster!!!! 😀 I used to be such a sucker for PUMPKIN PIE just like you currently are! Now I just dig my spoon into a can of pumpkin puree! LOL! Actually TODAY I baked pumpkin & protein powder in the oven in a muffin tin! IT TURNED OUT AMAZING!! Seriously amazing! I am so impressed with myself! LOL!

  5. lizziefit

    You Thanksgiving feast looks amazing! And I love that your family stayed active over the long weekend too to balance out a weekend of good eats 🙂

  6. DistrictSweats

    Looks like a fun trip. I grew up in Indianapolis. Can’t wait to get back for a visit and see Monument Circle all lit up!

  7. ari @ whatarisaid

    SNOW! I’m so jealous of your snow, it’s so hot over here!! And I love your Christmas tree, so many fun decorations!

    1. Ja @Ja on the RUN Post author

      Hi Irene,
      OMG! I suck at duckpin bowling big time. LOL! We were just laughing so hard every time my ball goes in the gutter. It’s hard to control ‘coz the ball is so light. It was fun though. I will do it again, practice more and will redeem myself soon. 🙂 LOL! 🙂


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