Simply Breakfast

As I was browsing over my Iphone photos, I realized that I’ve accumulated tons of breakfast photos. Clearly shows my LOVE for breakfast that much! Well, it’s my favorite meal of the day. I find it hard to start the day without the pleasure of a good meal.

Breakfast foods are easy to prepare. Many breakfast foods don’t take much effort and can be put together really fast. No long preps, no pile of dishes, and most importantly, no thinking! Sometimes, I’ll even eat breakfast foods for lunch or dinner.

I’ve compiled a bunch of my favorite breakfast pics and here’s what I would usually have most of the time for breakfast.

Warning: There’s going to be a lot of OATMEAL. Not really obvious that it’s my favorite – not really. 😛


Yummy yummy breakfast that I couldn’t help taking a bite before I could even take a picture.

toasted whole wheat bread
peanut butter
sliced almonds
drizzled with maple syrup

No fuss, little mess, and a complete no-brainer!

warm oatmeal
topped with cinnamon, banana (half)
fresh strawberries
fresh blueberries
sliced almonds
chia seeds
splash of almond milk


mini wheat bagels
peanut butter
drizzled with maple syrup

almond milk
fresh blueberries
cinnamon powder
chia seeds


Breakfast for my husband on his birthday.
Oops, sorry honey, I didn’t mean
to reveal your age on my blog 😛

eggs cooked in green peppers (thanks Pinterest for the idea),
sprinkled with salt, pepper and parsley

toasted whole wheat bread

warm oatmeal
cinnamon powder (I love cinnamon)
peanut butter
drizzled with maple syrup


warm oatmeal
topped with Mango Passion Granola
dried blueberries
splash of almond milk


topped with granola, peaches, dried blueberries
2 teaspoons of PB2
chia seeds
splash of almond milk

My very first time ever trying almond butter. LOVED IT!


waffle topped with almond butter,
chopped almonds, maplesyrup,
fresh strawberries.

Photo May 15, 5 34 50 PM

Overnight Oats
click here for the instructions. 🙂


Oatmeal with, granola, kiwi, banana and peanut butter!
and my cup of coffee 🙂

topped with fresh cherries 
PB2, dried blueberries and chia seeds
splash of almond milk

Go to this post to see what I use to pit cherries. 🙂

So there you have it! I can actually see myself still making these breakfast 15 years later. Lol! 😛

What’s your favorite meal of the day?

What do you usually have for breakfast?

What do you do for breakfast when you don’t feel like thinking?

Xoxo, JOTR
> Like my blog’s facebook page here: Ja-ontheRUN Blog
> Check out my silly photo adventures on Instagram here: @ja_ontherun

25 thoughts on “Simply Breakfast

  1. Pingback: Better Late Than Never! | Ja on the RUN

  2. Emily

    I love breakfast – I usually only have coffee and/or a smoothie.

    PS – I nominated you for the Bouquet of Three Award – check out my page for more info (not a cheap ploy for more visitors 🙂

  3. Christine

    Breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day! Lately, I’ve been alternating between a green smoothie and overnight oats. I’m terrible about switching things up!

  4. freshlifefindings

    Yumm your breakfasts look amazing! I LOVE almond butter on ezekiel bread with a drizzle of agave or maple syrup. I, like you, love cinnamon! It’s the best addition to oatmeal and smoothies. Thanks for the breakfast inspiration 🙂

  5. Jen @nutcaseinpoint

    I am currently addicted to green smoothies (spinach, frozen fruit, chocolate protein powder and unsweetened almond milk).
    I also love grain-free pancakes, egg&bacon (only on weekends) and cereal (ONLY multi-grain cheerios)
    I used to be obsessed with oats, but they don’t mix well the the rest of my diet and fitness..bloat, etc.

  6. Brittany

    These are my kind of breakfasts!! PB toast and fruit, and oatmeal are my go to’s! When I am feeling really wild I will make a potato scramble with tons of veggies and sALssAAA!

  7. Ashley @ OurPersonalRecords

    Breakfast food is hands down my favorite! I unfortunately don’t do great with making foods for breakfast during the week. I usually end up with cereal or a couple frozen waffles. Still good in my book, although I would prefer a much more elaborate meal! I think I need to try overnight oats. Everyone is always talking about them, and they seem really convenient.

  8. cathyo

    you do have a lot of breakfast pics! that’s good…breakfast IS the most important meal of the day 🙂 those eggs cooked in the peppers look good…will have to hit pinterest to find the “how to”. My breakfasts have been pretty boring lately…protein shakes, but lately i’ve been added frozen fruit to them as well, so they have a bit more flavour.


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